Electricity Sector

This sector involves the supply, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.

Electricity Articles

These are a collection of articles related to the Electricity Sector. To see all articles published by the RA, please visit our RA Articles page.

RA unveils sweeping energy plan

An energy blueprint now open for feedback would more than halve the island’s carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, in part with significant investment in renewable energy and a switch from power generation using heavy fuel oil to light fuel.

Business fear over sustainability if costs keep rising

Many businesses are worried about the sustainability of their operations if costs continue to rise without corresponding increases in revenue, the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce has warned.

Belco forced to recalculate energy costs after tax cuts

Data used to calculate electricity rates is being “reforecast” after legislation tabled in the House of Assembly slashed a customs duty on fuel for energy by 60 per cent.

House fast-tracks energy tax break, but at a cost

The Government has channelled its stronger-than-expected financial position into a customs duty break that is expected to offset an increase in electricity bills set to come into effect “on or after” August 1.

Electricity price hike sparks political row

On Tuesday it was revealed that Belco was to raise bills by about 8 per cent, resulting in a monthly increase of roughly $27 for average consumers. The increase was approved by the Regulatory Authority.

Government to slash energy taxes in face of Belco price hike

In a statement last night, David Burt, the Premier and Minister of Finance, said “a significant reduction in energy taxes“ will be introduced, which in turn will scale back an increase in electricity bills.

Belco blames global inflation, infrastructure for price hike

Electricity supplier Belco has defended its decision to ramp up prices, claiming that global inflation and infrastructure upgrades are to blame.

Regulator approves 8% hike in Belco bills for 2024

The Regulatory Authority has approved an increase in Belco’s allowed revenue that will result in an 8 per cent increase in consumer bills.

Roban: Belco’s FAR will be reduced

Belco and the Regulatory Authority have to change the way they operate in order to reduce the cost of electricity, the Government has warned.

Belco rate rise drives Algonquin earnings

Rate increases at Bermuda’s electricity supplier are among items credited by its Canadian parent company for divisional earnings performance during the third quarter ended September 30.

Belco parent looks to future sale of renewable assets

Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp, the Canadian parent company of Belco, has reported third quarter adjusted net earnings of $79.3 million, an increase of eight per cent, year-over-year.

Floating device proposed for $2m wind study

An ongoing study of wind power for Bermuda, now in its fourth round, suggests a 60MW offshore wind farm could generate 34 per cent of Bermuda’s present electricity requirements.

BCAC: residents near Belco stacks must be consulted

A pressure group set up to ensure emissions from Belco are controlled has welcomed the mention given in the Throne Speech to clean-air law amendments being implemented during this parliamentary session.

RA to undergo legislative reform after hike in power costs

The Government is to make changes to the way the Regulatory Authority and electricity supplier Belco operate to “provide for greater public protections” against dramatic price hikes.

Campaigners: Belco meeting only the first of many needed

Belco’s meeting last night with area residents over fallout from the plant as well as the price hike from its Fuel Adjustment Rate requires many more talks before objectors will be appeased, according to one of the attendees.

OBA demands answers on Fuel Adjustment Rate

The One Bermuda Alliance is calling on the Government to explain exactly how it will bring about a reduction in the price of fuel.

Businesses wait and see over Belco price rise

Business on the island have been left in a “position of wait and see” as talks continue over the rate of an electricity price rise, according to the Chamber of Commerce.

Roban backtracks on FAR stance at public meeting

Walter Roban, the Minister of Home Affairs, has revealed that a complex process is in motion to address the electricity pricing issue.

Crack US team hired to end Pembroke pollution woes

The Bermuda Regulatory Authority is to draft in a team of experts from the US to block soot and other pollutants from pouring out of Belco’s power plant.

RA confirms review of Belco pricing methodology

The Regulatory Authority has confirmed that it is to review the methods it uses to calculate the price of electricity.

OBA: recall Parliament to deal with Belco price-hike crisis

The One Bermuda Alliance is calling for Parliament to reconvene for an emergency session in order to tackle the fuel-hike crisis. Jarion Richardson, the OBA leader, made the appeal to the Government last night ..

Group demands answers on reasons for energy bills hike

A pressure group is demanding answers from Belco, the Regulatory Authority and the Government regarding the reasons behind the recent hike in energy bills.

Tensions ease after Caines meets Belco protesters

A confrontation between electricity supplier Belco and protesters angry at a recent fuel price hike was defused after the groups held informal talks. About a dozen demonstrators gathered outside Belco’s headquarters on Serpentine Road for a second day of protests yesterday

Chamber warns of higher prices after Belco hike

Shoppers have been warned to expect increases in the price of goods after the recent spike in electricity costs. The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce said that there would be a “ripple-on effect” and retailers may be forced to pass on an increase in their running costs to customers.

Demonstrators in protest at rising cost of electricity

Demonstrators took to the streets this morning in protest at recent increases in the cost of electricity. About 50 residents gathered outside the headquarters of electricity supplier Belco on Serpentine Road in Hamilton from 7am.

BELCO On ‘Misconceptions’ About FAR Increase

Since announcing there would be an increase in the Fuel Adjustment Rate [FAR] “there have been several misconceptions and incorrect information circulating,” the BELCO President said ..

Regulator defends Belco rate increase

The head of the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda has defended a decision to approve increases in the cost of electricity.

Belco parent’s stock plummets

Shares of Belco’s parent company dropped as much as 5 per cent on Monday and are trading near a decade low just months after the company said it would be unloading renewable assets in an effort to fix its business and reassure concerned shareholders.

Residents warned of big rise in electricity bills

Residents are being warned to expect a hike in electricity bills, according to Belco.

Wind farm could reduce electricity costs by a third: study

A study on the possibility of offshore wind generation in Bermuda found that a wind farm could result in 30 per cent cheaper electricity.

Belco provides information on electricity bills

A spokesperson said, “BELCO today provided a response to customers enquiring about high energy bills. BELCO customers are charged for the consumption of electricity – the higher the usage of electricity the higher the bill.

Belco’s parent Algonquin unloading assets

Belco’s parent company, struggling with massive debts and big losses and facing an aggressive activist investor, is looking for a new leader and selling off assets.

Government withdraws plans to bring in more LED light bulbs

The Government has pulled the plug on plans to purchase a second batch of energy-saving light bulbs for homes across the island.

RA holds further meetings on offshore wind farm

Two town hall meetings on the island’s potential for a 60-megawatt wind farm have been scheduled by the Regulatory Authority.

Belco lawyer argues rates should have increased more

A regulatory body’s decision to not fully increase Belco’s electricity rates must be re-evaluated, a lawyer argued in the Supreme Court yesterday.

Free LED light bulbs available at post offices

A government initiative will help Bermudian households to save money on their electricity bills, the Minister of Home Affairs announced yesterday.

Thousands hit by power outage

Power has been restored to more than 11,000 properties in the western parishes that were hit by an outage late Saturday night. The blackout, caused by a fault in Belco’s underground transmission network, occurred at about 10.50pm.

Bermuda’s electricity second most expensive in the world

Bermuda had the second most expensive electricity in the world in July 2023, according to ElectricRate.com. Island residents paid 37 cents per kilowatt hour, far above the 14.2 cent global average.

Emissions control order against Belco in motion

The Ministry of Home Affairs has confirmed an emission control order will be imposed to abate pollution from Belco. Emission control orders can result in fines against the utility of up to $50,000 per day for noncompliance.

Belco told to clean up its act

The environment department has informed the Minister of Home Affairs that Belco has breached the Clean Air Act 1991, and the Regulatory Authority has been instructed to take action.

Greenrock backs 60MW wind farm at ‘lively’ town hall

Environmental charity Greenrock said it is largely supportive of the Regulatory Authority’s proposal for a 60-megawatt wind farm presented at a town hall meeting on Wednesday evening.

Report shows Belco failed to use light fuel oil at critical times

A measure designed to reduce the fallout of soot from Belco’s North Power Station on to neighbouring properties was not implemented by the energy firm, The Royal Gazette has learnt.

RA: Belco may seek air monitor cost recovery retroactively

Belco may purchase a US-certified air quality monitoring station and retroactively request approval and recovery of funds, the Regulatory Authority has made clear.

Belco developing LNG proposal for North Power Station

Belco is working on a proposal to use liquefied natural gas for power generation, according to minutes released by the Environmental Authority, Bermuda’s emissions regulator.

Regulator to give update on offshore wind farm research

The Regulatory Authority is to provide the public with an update on research carried out on the use of an offshore wind farm in Bermuda.

Residents near Belco start petition over water testing

Residents living in the shadow of Belco have started a petition questioning why water tanks at properties next to the power plant were not tested for contaminants last year.

Evolutions powers over speed bumps for electric cars

Andre Labonte has always been a problem solver. So, when the president of Evolution Motors was continually asked by prospective buyers of the dealership’s electric vehicles where they were going to charge the cars, he decided to address the issue in-house.

Amendments for energy regulatory sandbox

“Bermuda has taken a significant step towards sustainable energy development with the introduction of the Electricity Amendment Act 2022 [Consequential Amendments] Regulations 2023."

Bermuda moves up in renewable energy rankings

Walter Roban hailed Bermuda’s progress on environmentally friendly policies at an international renewable energy conference in Miami.

Green energy giveaway set to save millions in power costs

Energy-saving LED light bulbs, which could save Bermuda consumers as much as $22 million over four years, will first be distributed to seniors and low-income households, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced.

Environment best suited for Belco pollution probe, says minister

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, said she passed over an inquiry into Belco pollution to Walter Roban because she only has powers to impose a one-off penalty of $2,500, but the home affairs minister can demand fines of $50,000 a day if an environmental problem is not fixed.

RA invites public’s input on setting Belco retail tariff

The Regulatory Authority is inviting the public to provide input to a report assessing what customers should be liable to pay for on their Belco electricity bill.

Energy department feared Belco planning application was ‘premature’

The Department of Energy warned in 2018 that the planning application for Belco’s North Power Station may be “premature”, given the country had not yet had its say on Bermuda’s future electricity generation.

Richard Correia saves $20,000 on solar panel installation

While many people want to support renewable energy in Bermuda, the cost of installing solar panels can be prohibitive.

Bacardi cuts CO2 emissions by more than 70%

Drinks giant Bacardi is unveiling a “greener makeover” at its global headquarters in Bermuda in time for Saturday’s Earth Day to further cut its carbon footprint and to create a working environment that promotes greater wellbeing for its employees.

Private finance vital if islands to reduce fossil fuels – Roban

Private sector financing will play a critical role in the development of cleaner renewable energy in small-island nations, the Minister of Home Affairs has said.

Health ministry passes Belco nuisance investigation to DENR

Kim Wilson, the Minister of Health, has passed the investigation into Belco pollution on to the environment department.

Government seeks company to supply the next batch of LED lightbulbs

The Government is looking for a company to supply additional LED light bulbs as part of continued stimulus efforts, according to a recently published request for quotation.

Engine manufacturer not surprised Belco is having problems

The manufacturer of Belco’s dual fuel engines has said it is not surprised that Bermuda is facing challenges with ongoing emissions, given its equipment is being run on heavy fuel oil.

Caribbean energy professionals meet

Energy professionals from 12 Caribbean countries recently met to learn about Bermuda’s clean energy progress. A Government spokesperson said, “Recently [30 March], Acting Premier and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban gave closing remarks highlighting Bermuda’s clean energy progress and ...

High levels of metals found in tanks around Belco

High levels of aluminium, iron and manganese have been found in water tanks in Pembroke after testing carried out in accordance with Belco’s operating licence requirements.

Zane Desilva criticises media over Belco emissions coverage

A government MP has suggested extensive media coverage of emissions from Belco that have plagued the lives of residents since the commissioning of the North Power Station in 2020 is spurred by a Black man being the plant’s president.

Site identified for wave energy farm

A site has been selected for a firm to set up a wave energy farm off the island if it gets approval for the project, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has revealed.

Caines: Belco 'must take systematic, calculated approach' to fallouts

Belco president Wayne Caines has moved to allay concerns from the power plant’s neighbours about emissions.

UK consulted on air quality plans after Belco emissions, Pati e-mails show

An environmental unit consulted its British counterpart about tackling sources of pollution after levels of sulphur dioxide recorded in an area close to Belco exceeded UK targets.

‘Complicated’ Bill to modernise clean air rules still being drafted

A “technical and complicated” Bill to update air quality legislation must undergo an in-depth review to meet public needs, a government spokesman said.

Belco could face fines of $50,000 a day, says health minister

Belco could face hefty fines of up to $50,000 a day if its emissions are ruled a nuisance and not abated, the Minister of Health said yesterday.

Roban: one in seven homes fail 'secondary standards' for water quality

One in seven homes tested for the impact of Belco pollution was found to have water taste and clarity levels that breach international standards, it has emerged.

Joshun Stovell wants to bring solar power to the people

High-voltage power lines, enclosed spaces and work at height are real dangers involved in solar panel installation.

Expert review said change of fuel would reduce Belco pollution

An expert review said in 2021 that the "most effective“ way to mitigate Belco’s soot emissions is for the plant to burn a lower-polluting fuel.

Health minister has authority to stop Belco soot emissions

The health minister has the legal power to stop soot emissions from Belco by declaring them a “statutory nuisance”, The Royal Gazette has learnt.

Roban: residents enduring an 'abomination' over soot fallouts

Pembroke residents are enduring an “abomination” from a rain of soot from the Belco power plant, the home affairs minister stated, calling it “unacceptable” and “intolerable”.

Minister says 150,000 LED light bulbs set to be available

Energy-saving light bulbs will soon be made available to the most needy under a Government stimulus programme.

RA says it does not regulate environmental emissions

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda has issued a statement in an attempt to make it clear that environmental emissions do not come under its purview.

$400,000 For Solar Panels On Govt Buildings

In this year’s Budget, “$400,000 will be spent to complete the installation of solar panels on several government buildings,” the Minister of Public Works Lt/Col David Burch said.

Belco neighbours hit with more soot

Pembroke residents have complained about another apparent soot fallout from Belco on Saturday morning.

Belco will need to make robust changes after outage, says RA

Belco will likely be told to put in place “robust changes” to how it ensures a reliable energy supply in the wake of Friday’s island-wide power outage, the independent energy regulator said yesterday.

Hayward says Belco neighbors should get free electricity

Belco should write off the bills of neighbours of Belco who have been affected by emissions, a senior Cabinet Minister said.

Government seeks feedback on phasing out gas powered cars

The Government is seeking public input on how to phase out gas powered cars and replace them with zero emission vehicles.

Belco facing backlash as residents claim another soot fallout has affected homes

Belco is facing a backlash from angry neighbours after another soot fallout.

Belco given award for response to power outages caused by Hurricane Fiona

Efforts by Belco to restore power to tens of thousands of homes after Hurricane Fiona have been recognised with an award.

Electricity costs set to decrease from January 1, says Belco

Energy bills will come down from New Year’s Day for the average user, Belco has said.

Solar panels save government $42,000 in six months

The Government has saved $42,000 in electricity costs since solar panels started operating on the roofs of the General Post Office and the Government Administration Building in June, MPs were told.

Bulk of $22m for Tynes Bay emergency repairs going overseas, senators told

About a third of the $22 million being spent on an emergency stabilisation programme at Tynes Bay is going to Bermudian firms and workers, the Government has said.

Floating solar panels could be destined for Castle Harbour

A private company could establish a new, ten-megawatt solar farm in Castle Harbour, consisting of floating photovoltaic panels, it has emerged.

Clean air group wants a seat at the table to discuss legislation

A clean air advocacy group is questioning the timeline for the drafting of new clean air laws aimed at curbing pollution, saying it has received mixed messages from the Government.

Belco given more time to respond to island’s energy plan

The Regulatory Authority has requested that Belco submit a proposal for an updated Integrated Resource Plan that will decide the future of the island’s electricity generation.

Spending for LED light bulbs set to go to Cabinet for approval

Spending approval will be sought by the Ministry of Home Affairs for a $500,000 scheme – announced four months ago – to hand out LED light bulbs to families.

Belco fails to respond to estimates it fails proposed air quality standards

Belco has failed to confirm or deny whether there are levels of air contaminants surrounding its Pembroke plant that exceed the UK limits with which Bermuda aims to align under new air quality laws.

Belco defends exceeding UK emissions objective

Belco has defended exceeding the UK Air Quality Objective for emissions and said the company had adhered to local laws.

Watchdog calls for restoration of air-monitoring equipment

Bermuda’s environmental watchdog is to call on the Minister of Home Affairs to reconsider the decision to defund the Government’s air quality monitoring programme.

Bermuda leads the world in the cost of electricity

This may not be electrifying news to island residents, but Bermuda has been found to be the most expensive place in the world to run appliances.