Electronic Communications Annual Market Analysis Report 2021


This annual market analysis of the Electronic Communications sector covers the 2021 calendar year and is based on data submitted by the sectoral providers in the summer of 2022.


Under the Electronic Communications Act 2011, the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda (“RA”) is tasked with “supervising, monitoring and regulating the electronic communications sector”. This includes “the promotion of effective and sustainable competition, investment and innovation, the management of scarce resources utilized by the sector and the protection of the rights of consumers”.

In the RA Work Plan for fiscal 2021-2022, the RA announced that it would conduct an annual market analysis in the Electronic Communications (“EC”) sector and publish market data from the sectoral providers. This report covers the 2021 calendar year and is based on data submitted by the sectoral providers in the summer of 2022. Data is additionally sourced from EC sectoral providers’ quarterly financial reports to the RA and from the Bermuda Government Department of Statistics.

Going forward, the RA’s intention is to provide this market analysis report annually in April for the preceding calendar year.

The 2021 report should consider measures taken by the Bermuda Government to reduce the impact of the Covid 19 virus. Usage of EC services was affected by increased home working, technology solutions that enabled continued communication such as internet-based meetings, fewer travellers both inbound and outbound, and the resumption of office work (return to normalcy).

The RA would like to thank all sectoral providers for their contributions to this report.


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