News & Publications

This section will provide relevant media releases, notices, reports and other publications created by the RA for public review.

Who we are:

The RA is an independent regulator, established under the Regulatory Authority Act 2011, to promote and preserve competition; to promote the interests of the residents and consumers of Bermuda; to promote the development of the Bermudian economy, Bermudian employment and Bermudian ownership; to promote innovation, and to fulfill any additional functions specified by sectoral legislation. 

What we do:

The RA currently regulates the Electronic Communications, Electricity and Submarine Communication Cables sectors.

How we accomplish our goals:

The RA's Vision, Mission and Values ensure the public interest is the core focus of the regulated sectors. The RA strives to achieve its objectives through a balanced focus on its top four priorities:

  1. Consumer/Stakeholder focus will ensure that the RA works to bring value to the community and its stakeholders.
  2. Internal Process focus will ensure that the RA consistently delivers and pursues continual improvement.
  3. Innovation, Learning and Growth focus will ensure that the RA develops the internal capacity to execute its mandate; and
  4. Financial Stewardship focus will ensure that the RA is operating with the financial wherewithal that is appropriate for a not-for-profit corporate entity.


The RA's team of subject matter experts conducts technological, economic and market analysis to provide the Board of Commissioners with robust, independent information for consideration in their decisions and rulings.