Regulatory Authority (Process for Payment of Regulatory Authority and Government Authorization Fees) General Determination 2016


This General Determination establishes the process (set out in the “Fee Filing Instructions” in Annex 1 to the Schedule) for the payment of Regulatory Authority fees and Government authorization fees.


These Fee Filing Instructions are necessary to identify and describe the fee filing requirements for the ICOL holders. It is meant to provide convenient filing instructions for electronic communications services that are subject to a fee. The instructions contain sections of the application form that relate to, fee amounts, payment information, and the general filing instructions/ requirements.

These Fee Filing Instructions replace all other guidance previously issued by the Regulatory Authority regarding the calculation and payment of required fees and the filing requirements, this includes but is not limited to the Fees and Payment Directive.

These instructions are the first set of instructions to be issued regarding the Annual Declaration process, which was established by the Regulatory Authority in order to provide greater clarity and flexibility on the deductions of revenues not generated by or otherwise attributable to the provision of electronic communications referred to as Exempted Revenues, allowed when calculating relevant turnover by ICOL holders.